Special LMI Seminar
Dr. Itai Epstein | Prof. Moshe Tur | Prof. Peter Hommelhoff
You are invited to a Special LMI seminar on Tuesday, January 31st, 16:00-18:00
Contributed talks by:
Dr. Itai Epstein - School of Electrical Engineering, Faculy of Engineering, Tel Aviv University
"Polaritonic Phenomena in 2D Materials"
Prof. Moshe Tur - School of Electrical Engineering, Faculy of Engineering, Tel Aviv University
"On interesting optical beams"
Prof. Peter Hommelhoff - Department of Physics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen, Germany
"Advancing the symbiose of artfully designed light fields and electrons"
Light refreshments and drinks will be served at 15:30
Greetings and toast at 16:00
Dinner will be served at 18:00
Auditorium 001, Broadcom Building,
Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University