School of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Boris Malomed, a chaired professor (chair on Optical Solitons) current h-index: 88 (Web of Science), 93 (Scopus), 104 (Google Scholar).
The research work of Boris Malomed has been focused on theoretical studies of nonlinear waves and nonlinear dynamics in optics, matter waves (Bose-Einstein condensates), dissipative media (usually modeled by equations of the Ginzburg-Landau type), dynamical lattices, and in related systems.
The main subjects of these studies are solitons (solitary waves), vortices, propagating fronts and shock waves, domain boundaries, and other localized objects, as well as bound states of such objects, and periodic or quasi-periodic patterns built of them.
They are considered in single-component and multi-component models of conservative, dissipative, and PT-symmetric nonlinear media, with local and nonlocal interactions (PT-symmetric systems are ones at the boundary between conservative and dissipative systems, featuring spatially separated and mutually balanced local gain and loss). Two- and multi-component systems include linear and nonlinear couplings between the components, an important issue being spontaneous symmetry breaking between them. The localized and delocalized structures in these settings are studied in one- and multidimensional geometries, implemented in the uniform space or in the presence of various potential landscapes, which include linear and nonlinear lattices (periodic and quasi-periodic ones). In particular, a challenging problem is the stabilization of multidimensional solitons, solitary vortices, and complex localized topological states against the spatiotemporal collapse and azimuthal perturbations (splitting).
Parallel appointments:
Co-supervisor, Laboratory of Nonlinear-Optical Informatics, ITMO University, St. Petersburg 197101, Russia Guest professor (2016-2020), Foshan University, Foshan (Guangzhou), China
Current funding:
Research grant for the period of 2016-2019, on the topic of "Nonlinear dynamics with Gross-Pitaevskii breathers", from the joint program in physics between the National Science Foundation (US) and Binational Science Foundation (US-Israel). Co-PI: Dr. V. Yurovsky (Tel Aviv University). US Co-PIs (with separate budgets): Prof. R. G. Hulet (Rice University) and M. Olshanii (University of Massachusetts - Boston).
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