LMI Seminar: Prof. Avi Zadok

"Opto-mechanics of standard systems: single-mode fibers and silicon-on-insulatorNanostructures"

31 May 2023, 13:00 - 14:00 
Auditorium 011, Engineering Classroom Building 
LMI Seminar: Prof. Avi Zadok

LMI Seminar: Prof. Avi Zadok

You are invited to the LMI seminar, Wednesday May 31th, 2023, 13:00-14:00.


"Opto-mechanics of standard systems: single-mode fibers and silicon-on-insulatorNanostructures"


The speaker - Prof. Avi Zadok , Faculty of Engineering and Institute for Nano-Technology and Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan University.


Light refreshments and drinks will be served at 12:30 - Auditorium 011, Engineering Classroom Building,  Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University.


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